Booking confirmation must be signed by the client and returned to MMA prior to any booking. Provisional bookings will be automatically cancelled if confirmation is not received 24 hours before the proposed booking.
Payment is required to be made by the client within 30 days of the date of the invoice. In all cases, the person booking the model is the client, who will be invoiced and solely responsible for payment, unless otherwise agreed in writing at the time of booking. MMA reserves the right in its discretion to invoice the 'ultimate client', (eg. designer/ manufacturer/owner of the product in question). For example, this may be done if the client is booking on behalf of the ultimate client, in which case the client and the ultimate client are jointly and severally liable to pay all of the fees and settle the invoice accordingly. All fees for usage are for the right to use the model's image and, once agreed, are payable whether or not the right is exercised. Unless the Agency specifically agrees otherwise, in writing, no usage for the model's image is permitted until payment is made in full. The agency reserves the right to alter payment terms if it deems appropriate, prior to booking. If the client fails to pay in full on the due date any amount which is payable to the MMA the amount outstanding shall bear interest at five per cent per annum over Barclays Bank plc base rate from time to time from the due date until up to and including the date that payment is made in full and such interest shall be compounded and accrued on a daily basis.
A working day is 8 hours. Standard rates apply between 09.00 and 18.00 hours.
Before 9am, after 6pm and Saturdays - time and a half. Bank holidays and Sundays - double the normal rate (photographic and TV/video bookings).
A special fee can be negotiated when the work is in conjunction with a product which precludes work for competing products. It is the clients reponsibility to check whether conflicting work has been done. If a model advertises a product he/she is able to work for any competitor unless an exclusion fee has been negotiated
Will be automatically cancelled if they are not confirmed by the client (by signing the confirmation form) within 24 hours of the proposed booking.
By the client - Less than 48 hours notice - half the fee. Less than 24 hours notice - full fee.
By the agency - Should the Agency want to cancel a booking then it shall use reasonable endeavours to provide the client with reasonable notice, take steps to offer to the client a suitable replacement and/or substitute and take such other reasonable steps as are reasonably practicable to mitigate against such cancellation. In any event the Agency shall be entitled to cancel a booking at any time and for any reason prior to the booking date without liability to the client and the client will procure the necessary insurance cover to protect against such cancellation and any associated liability.
Usually charged at around 5 times the normal rate. It is the clients responsibilty to negotiate at the time of booking an additional rate for each of the above categories.
As per the British Actors Equity Association.
The photographer and/or the client and anyone obtaining rights from or through the photographer/client is not entitled to use any images for any usage beyond that agreed. The client will procure that the photographer/client agrees to restrict the use and exploitation of the copyright content of the photograph or any other intellectual property rights. If the client is not the photographer, the client is to draw all these terms and conditions to the attention of the photographer and procure his agreement to them before the shoot commences
All rights not expressly granted to the client under these terms and conditions are hereby reserved to the Agency and/or the model as appropriate. In particular, the client acknowledges and agrees that the Agency is the owner or licence holder of all commercial rights and intellectual property rights relating to the model and the Agency and the client shall not be entitled to exploit or enter into any commercial or other agreement to exploit any rights relating to the model or the Agency other than the rights specifically granted to the client under these terms and conditions.
First cancellation - no fee (unless model arrives at a booking through a clients failure to cancel in time). Second cancellation half fee
Travel expenses apply to any journey outside a 30 mile radius of the MMA office. To be negotiated at the time of booking.
Clients are responsible for the provision of all meals and beverage requirements of the models (taking into account dietary requirements) whilst the models are providing services to the client on all bookings.
Clients are responsible for the provision of all meals and beverage requirements of the models (taking into account dietary requirements) whilst the models are providing services to the client on all bookings.
It is a requirement that people under the age of 16 have a child performance licence in place for every performance they take part in. We can process this application for you on request at no charge however, an admin fee of £30 will be charged if a confirmed model is cancelled and the licence has been applied for. This fee also applies if we are required to apply for a licence for an optioned or pencilled model who is then not used for a shoot.
All matters relating to the use of the model's image, any other services supplied by the model and all fees must be negotiated and agreed only with the Agency. The client shall not attempt to negotiate, nor allow others to negotiate, with the models directly. If the client or the photographer or any other person on their behalf or connected with them obtains the model's signature on any document or the model's purported verbal agreement to anything, that is not binding on the model or the Agency unless and until it is agreed in writing by the Agency (such agreement to be determined in the Agency's absolute discretion)
Where applicable is charged at half the standard hourly rate. Applies outside a 30 mile radius of the agency.
All expenses incurred by the Agency on the clients' behalf will be charged to the client and may include a handling charge.
Charged at half the hourly rate.
15% agency supplement will be added to all bookings. Both agency fees and model fees will be invoiced by the agency.
Any cause for complaints should be reported when it arises to the agency. Complaints cannot be considered in retrospect
As agents we act for and on behalf of our models and whilst making every endeavour to provide a satisfactory and efficient service we cannot be held responsible for a models conduct on an assignment
Contact us at or 01246 529 029